But anyway, I just thought that this blog lacks a little personal touch, and if you don't know me personally, you probably don't know much about me aside from the visuals posted over at Instagram, since I don't really blog much here. I actually use this space just to post even more pictures.... but whatever.

So here's a little introductory of myself, cos bitches love talking about themselves, even if they never admit it.
I'm turning 24 this year, and I'm born and raised in Singapore. I am not a friendly person, and I don't try to be. I don't like animals or being near animals, although I find pictures of cats very endearing. I'm kinda like a virtual cat lady; my relationship with the felines never extends past the images I see on the internet. I studied design for the past 5 years, and at one point of my life, I'd wanted to be an illustrator. I used to draw a fair bit, but since work started, I kinda lost the spark. Now I just do the occasional birthday cards, which is kinda sad when you think about it, considering I was once so passionate about illustration.


I can't control my spending. If I like a shade of lipstick (I was into plum at a point of time), I need to have 3-4 from different brands, even if they all looked the same. If I'm going on a vacation, I start to visualize myself in different outfits, and then I'd give myself a reason to get a new wardrobe before I even start my holiday. Wallets, bags, sneakers, sunglasses – they're all the same. If I see it and I like it, I have to get it. In a way, I guess I'm a go-getter.

I feel more than blessed to be working in an industry that I could previously only have dreamt of. Growing up, I never wanted to work at all – I'm a lazy ass and I just want to plant a money tree that actually sheds dollar bills (and not just some typical plant that eventually becomes yellow and dies cos it doesn't produce money and nobody cares for it) so I can buy my Saint Laurent bags and Frankie Magazines with zero effort. But then Instagram happened and it's such a social pressure to compete among others to have the best photos etc. I mean you can never win them all, but you can always try. I'm not sure exactly what qualities of mine landed me my job, but it's opened more opportunities than I'd ever thought I'd have. It's like a leap of faith to do something totally new, and to grow with it and actually be good at it. I guess in this aspect, I'm truly blessed by God.
I have a looooot of pet peeves. I feel like talking about my pet peeves would render a whole blog post on its own lol. But just for an introductory's sake, here goes. I absolutely hate it when people throw mental illnesses around in their daily conversations. E.g. when people say "Oh, I have OCD cos the lines on my Instagram have to be exactly the same!!!!11!!!one!!!" Well, fuck off. That's not OCD. And I also hate when people say they're depressed, although they're not clinically diagnosed. You're not depressed. You're just in misery. Stop throwing these terms around so casually. I also hate when people chew with their mouths open. For goodness sake, grab yourself a couple of table manners and keep your mouths shut. Nobody cares about your mastication process, nor do we have any interest in your saliva-coated, chewed up ball of mushy food.
Anyway, that's that. Five nuggets of information; hopefully it's a little insight to what I'm like as a human being.

And I'll end this long-ass post with an accurate depiction of me, if I could be lazy 24/7 while wearing as little clothes as possible. #realtalk
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