Thursday, January 14, 2016

Packing for Phuket


It's still weeks before we leave for Phuket but I'm already so excited! This one will be a short trip (4d3n) cos we're saving for a longer vacation in December.

Danial said the only way he's going for a holiday in the start of the year is if it's a relaxed, no-need-to-use-brains, 'impromptu' trip. Which means no over-planning and no checked-in luggage. This is proving to be quite a challenge for me cos I'm a die-hard overpacker! I can already think of the outfit combinations: a bikini needs an accompanying white shirt/throwover, and a hat to complete the outfit; a daytime outfit requires a dressier bag that's def NOT a tote bag; if we dine at somewhere fancier, I'll need a(n even dressier) bag and a dress.

See?!?! How am I gonna squeeze my endless possiblities into a 7kg backpack, lol.

But ok, challenge accepted. Maybe I'll do a blog post.. or maybe not, cos I know for sure some of my stuff will be put into Danial's backpack hahahaha.

Also got to curb my bad habit of buying stuff specifically for any holiday. I have a spending problem and it's really got to stop :/

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