Wednesday, May 4, 2016

breakfast circa 1973

location | chin mei chin confectionary


with cafes popping up every week or so, it's always nice to take a break from what seems to be the norm for youngsters these days. tracing back to the good ol' days, danial and i took on a traditional route last weekend – we had breakfast at an old school coffee shop.

CMC collage


this coffeeshop may be traditional but social media is definitely no stranger to it. just do a search on google or instagram and you'll see tons of pics and reviews. even the uncle who served us told me not to take pictures since the photos are all over the internet already. instead he offered to snap a photo of danial and i – which we declined, of cos haha. 

i'm not sure what's the hype about becos the food wasn't exactly fantastic? i mean for kaya toast i'd rather eat at a hawker centre, although i generally avoid such places becos i don't like the smell of the wet market. the one at cmc was ok but nothing to shout about. i guess it'd be a nice place (old school aesthetics, if you will, and also a fresh change from typical instagrammable interiors) if you had to bring a tourist around singapore, but otherwise i'm sure there are better such places around.

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